With your donations, we can obtain and maintain the human and material resources we need to continue to care for, equip and coach over 700 children a week.
Our care and services create a major impact for a number of children from vulnerable milieus. Your donation makes you part of the great circle that protects and cares for these children.

Donate online
It’s easy to donate online! We accept payments via credit card or e-transfer.
Donate by mail
Make your cheque out to:
Garage à Musique – centre spécialisé de pédiatrie sociale
Send it to:
Garage à Musique – centre spécialisé de pédiatrie sociale
2080 Bennett Avenue, Montreal, QC H1V 3S6
Please give us your complete contact information so we can send you your tax receipt (address, email and telephone) from the Fondation Dr Julien.
The Fondation Dr Julien will issue a tax receipt for all donations of $20 or more.
Registered charitable organization number: coming.
Carole Vermette
(514) 527-3777