Collective practice of music

Our team of musical instructors sets goals with each of the children to help them to develop their full potential by the collective practice of music.
Each child is invited to explore a musical instrument and to be part of a group, such as the Grand orchestre, the Combo pop jazz, the Ensemble senior or one of the various choirs. Offering this music program is an effective alternative to treating the difficulties experienced by our youth, whether these affect language (choir, wind instruments) and motor (percussion, stringed instruments) skills or social interactions (collective practice of music). Difficulties with executive functions are also worked on at the School Access Centre.
Garage à musique offers music services to several neighbourhood schools as a screening method and means to make contact in the schools. Since last year, we’ve added a pre-K class (4-year-olds) as an early intervention. Also, 25% of youth attending GAM are being screened.
The summer music camp has three streams: the collective practice of music, sports and a creative and educational stream. The camps and activities are offered at no charge to children served by the clinic and are from two to six weeks in duration. They maintain the connection during the vacation period, provide a safe space for socialization, and create key moments when the children can experience positive achievements through different media.