School Access Centre
A team of specialist educational tutors, resource teachers and speech-language pathologists work with youth ages 5 to 18 referred by the clinic who need individual professional support.
Most of these youths have serious difficulties at school and may present with learning, language or behavioral disorders, anxiety or mild intellectual handicaps. As for the musical stream, an educational camp is held each year to refresh certain more complex academic notions in order to make the return to school easier.
Our specialists develop and maintain partnerships with outside services for various speech-language, neuropsychological or audiology assessments in order to give youth services that match their profile. More than one child out of three is not equipped to begin a process of academic success. Studies show that the brains of children who are not stimulated beginning at birth may be smaller and less active. They may suffer from a lack of inhibition or concentration and learning difficulties, and these will lead to chronic health problems in adulthood.