Become a volunteer

Volunteering at Garage à musique means helping the clinical team to create a protective circle around the youth in support of the family. You’ll welcome children and youths, support the team during activities with your knowledge, participate in general tasks, events, the Guignolée du Garage à musique and various concerts, as needed.
Become a Grand Ami

Created by Dr. Julien with support from filmmaker Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette, the Grand Ami program allows a volunteer to get directly involved with a child or youth, following an intervention plan. The twinning plan is based on the child’s needs, interests and strengths.
The program allows children to create trusting, friendly connections through cultural or sports activities that open up their world. The volunteer may, if needed, accompany them to the social pediatrics clinic at Garage à musique. Grand Amis have to commit to reserving time and maintaining open communication with the child or youth for at least one year.
Become a Partner
Contact us and we’ll be happy to talk to you.